Betty Okonak Templeton

Getting to know Betty Okanak (1985)
Getting to know Betty Okanak (1985)
Betty and James prepare for their wedding (1984)
Welcome baby Carrie Dell (1985)

Betty Okanak Templeton is an old friend of Lady Elaine Fairchilde who lives in Southwood. She marries Michael Templeton Jones and together they adopt a baby girl, Carrie Dell.


Betty Okanak Templeton Jones is quite a character! She’s a chatty, non-stop talker and calls everyone “hon.” When she gets going, the others can hardly get a word in edgewise! But with all her chatter, she is kind and always ready to step in to give a hand, especially to help her old friend and schoolmate Lady Elaine Fairchilde.


Did you know?

This puppet character was named for Betty Okanak who was a cousin of Fred Rogers and one of his favorite relatives. She was a close friend and playmate when they were growing up.

Betty’s marriage to Michael Jones gives viewers the opportunity to see a wedding ceremony and what it means to children. Later, she and Michael Jones adopt a baby, offering caring talk about what it means to be adopted, helping children understand that adoption is another way to make a family.


Her “starring” role, and one she thoroughly enjoyed was as a starfish in the opera “A Granddad for Daniel.”


Michael Horton was the voice and puppeteer behind Betty Okanak Templeton and Michael Jones. He described his character a “feisty, babbling Southern matron.”