Getting Ready for the Olympic Games

Mister Rogers shows a monkey popsicle and says that eating food in the shape of an animal or a person doesn’t cause the eater to become that thing. Mister Rogers visits Brockett’s Bakery. Brandon Margulies explains how to play a video game. Keith David comes to collect money from the video machines and shows how the machine works. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, everyone is getting ready for the Olympic games. Miss Paulificate suggests that King Friday use fancy equipment, instead of counting, to time the games. Mr. Strothers gives King Friday a time-keeping machine. Lady Elaine has decided to be in charge of weather and decides to make it snow. Lady Aberlin builds a maze. Ana and X decide to ride in the balloon together. Mister Rogers talks about how no one can be in charge of the weather. He talks about how some people are better at some things than others, but everyone is still loved.