Mister Rogers shows examples of different types of shoes and matches the left shoe with the right one to make a pair. He shows a picture of Alan Morrison who plays the pipe organ and also shows the type of shoes that Alan wears while working. He visits Alan who plays several songs on the organ that evoke different emotions. He also takes us on a tour to see how the organ pipes line the walls around the church. Alan then plays the piano for Mister Rogers and invites him to a dress rehearsal. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Queen Sara and King Friday talk to Mayor Maggie who is wearing a rain coat. King Friday repeats his rule that everyone must wear a three-cornered hat. Chuck Aber and Maggie discuss how the rule is silly. Chuck tells Henrietta and X that Lady Elaine is spraying with her hose anyone who mentions a three-cornered hat. Chuck explains the situation to Betty Templeton Jones who says she will try to help the silly situation of squirts and diplomatic impasse. Mister Rogers picks up the shoes he was showing earlier and wonders if King Friiday and Lady Elaine are just jealous of each other. He suggests that they should talk instead of acting silly, and says that we don’t have to act like they do.